Some days are so special that when you wake up, you start feeling that it is going to be a special day. Today 10 Jan 2012 was one of those days.
It was a foggy morning in Bahrain. After a deep meditation and while driving to office, looking at the weather, felt like sharing these thoughts which was running in my mind.
It was foggy but not cold
It was chill but no wind
There was light but no sun
The world was moving, yet the weather was unmoved
If we have to give form to spirit,
often I wondered how it will look like?
Today's weather was like our spirit
It feels the Joy, yet does not jump
There is light in our spirit, yet does not shine
Sorrow or happiness Yet is unmoved
Spirit is only a reflection of self
when the self disappears
Spirit starts showing, yet cannot see.
Feeling amazed...