Around the world, the word Mother invokes an instant emotion. Mother is the source of endless joy, love and compassion. In the history, we have heard of bad son, bad husband, wife etc. have we ever heard of bad mother? never we will hear also.
A son can become husband, father in due course of his life, however the relationship between the Mother and her children will never change. A mother remains a mother always to her children. If father is the identity behind every name, Mother is the one who first identify father to her children. The child starts believing from then on.
Let's look at how mother is respected as per Indian culture.
In the order of worship, Mother is placed first in the vedas followed by father, guru and God. In indian language, it is Matha, Pitha, Guru and Deivam.
Even those who have renounced the worldly life and took to saintlyhood, whenever they see their Mother, they can prostate at their Mother's feet, whereas if the saints happen to meet their father, they should not do so on the contrary, the father should prostate before the saint, even if it happnes to be his own son.
The saints cannot perform funeral rites as we normal humans do for our own parents, relatives etc. since they have renounced all bondage, however if the deceased happens to be the saint's mother, they are allowed to perform the funeral rites.
Mother is given the highest respect in any society. If we have to prosper in our life, please try to get your mother's love and grace which will protect us in the long run. No mother will curse her children, however if it happens, then your life is doomed for generations together.
Similarly for our spiritual ascent too, it is very very important that we follow the advises of our Holy Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who happens to be a compassionate Mother as well as our Guru.
Through her Grace, let's awake the inner mother within us, the mother kundalini and through that light, let us enlighten our spiritual knowledge.
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