The desire to seek happiness is predominant in individuals, but many not only lack the ability to understand what makes one happy but are also not aware of the means to attain it. The worldly Maya holds its sway over many, preventing the perception of what is enduring and tempting them to long for temporary fulfilments such as money, fame, and power.
Only when the truth of the ephemeral quality of life begins to sink into one’s consciousness will it be possible to desire to seek the ultimate goal of life, salvation. For this to happen, one has to derive inspiration and lessons from the lives of the devout who exemplify the best of virtues.
When extolling the qualities and attributes of the child devotee Prahlada in the Bhagavata Purana, Sage Narada tells Yudhishtira that there is no end to his qualities, just as one cannot adequately describe the auspicious attributes of the Supreme Being. Prahlada exemplifies the qualities of devotion, discrimination and detachment. This child was blessed to receive the highest teaching from Sage Narada while still in the womb. The mind determines the thought, word and deed of an individual and since Prahlada was by nature a realised soul and a staunch devotee of the Lord, he always contemplated on Him and was not attracted towards worldly objects. He had the senses under control and though an Asura by birth, he remained an embodiment of goodness in conduct.
Prahlada taught the other Asura children the philosophy of life. He warned that Samsara is akin to a dilapidated well and when caught in it none can help us out except God or a True Guru. He entreated them to seek the blessings of Lord Narayana. He refused to accept his father’s command to pay obeisance to him instead. A frustrated Hiranyakashipu tried in vain to make his beloved child toe his line and succumbed to open display of enmity towards the child, an unnatural reaction born from ego and pride.
Humility is a virtue to be cultivated from the example of the devout who are rich in the experience of God and hence are not in the least proud.
So when we closely relate this story of Born Realised Prahlada it reveals the core essence of wonderful Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Just Try to observe the wonderful sahaj Qualities of Prahlada like, 'Devotion, Discrimination, Detachment, Control over Senses, Showing Love and Compassion to the worst enemies, Overcoming the Ego and pride of opposite person through true love and affection.
Every individual will understand and interpret shri. Mataji's words in their own way. It is most important to understand the core essence of Mother's words. It is very very easy to talk about sahaj and the qualities for hours, days, weeks, months and years... But it is next to impossible when it comes to practical application. It can be achieved only by means of TRUE SELF INTROSPECTION. May be some people would have acquired very very few qualities of sahaj, but to live in sahaj we need sincerity, dedication, fullest devotion, surrender to our mother and above all our divine mother's utmost grace and blessings. So the prime focus is to be on SELF INTROSPECTION and to grow deeper in sahaj. These are purely personal views.
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