Surrendering is a process which is ultimately attained only after crossing initial two main Stages such as ‘Belief ‘ & ‘Acceptance’. It is not an easy task to attain the stage of surrendering. Neither Surrendering can be attained or achieved by force or materialistic mechanism of life. It requires an immense practice. The very first Phase/stage of Surrendering is BELIEF. One has to first have a firm belief on particular thing. Since the Core focus of this views are purely related to Spirituality, in particular Sahaj, better to have precise specific definitions to state about Surrendering than with Generic words.
Initial Belief is a very important stage. Of course it is common for any human beings to have so many queries, doubts in mind while starting this first stage of believing. Give enough time for this and to practice sahaj immensely. Coming out of all such doubts at the earliest is the best thing to initiate for a firm BELIEF. This can be achieved by continuous enquiries, clarifications by means of getting depth knowledge. The very best way to obtain a firm BELIEF is to speak more about sahaj topics, gain more knowledge from others who can share more valuable sahaj things, attend workshops/seminars when ever there is a chance, initiate for discussion/forums on sahaj topics, be interactive in collective. It is good to be a listener in collective, but similarly should be active and should participate(Speak) in all the discussions in sahaj. So once the doubts, queries are vanished from the mind, the stage ‘BELIEF’ is ultimately achieved.
The second stage/phase is ‘Acceptance’. Once a firm belief is established it naturally should lead to whole hearted ‘Acceptance’. If viewed in broader sense there is only a thin line of separation between the two words ‘Acceptance’ and ‘Surrendering’. As per my view it is like this, All ‘Surrendering’ must have 100% of ‘Acceptance’, whereas all ‘Acceptances’ need not necessarily have ‘Surrendering’. So it is pretty clear that ‘Acceptance’ is a precedent act well before the final Stage of ‘Surrendering’. Fortunate are the one who gets into sahaj and blessed are the one who Shri. Mataji chooses to be in Sahaj forever. It not only raises the eyebrows but also dilutes the mind to some extent on hearing the statements like ‘ Accept Shri.Mataji as Guru’. It is the other way, it is the Adi Shakti Shri. Mataji who chooses the people to be in Sahaj and to do the sahaj work. So precisely the emphasis should be like this ‘Accept Sahaja Yoga and its values’.
Once a firm belief is obtained in Sahaj it should ultimately lead to acceptance of all sahaj values and protocols. Ultimately if all the sahaj values and protocols are accepted whole heartedly, moreover adhered with sincere and dedicated manner then it is implied that The ‘Acceptance’ of Shri. Mataji as Guru happened. So one has to accept all the protocols and values taught in sahaj by Shri. Mataji and to follow those strictly. In any topic it is the easiest part to Talk or give lectures or explanations for hours, but to practice in daily life is the Himalayan task, which can be obtained by sheer practice. So once this Stage ‘Acceptance’ is crossed then there is no delay or hindrance in the final ultimate stage of ‘Surrendering’.
The direct meaning of the word ‘Surrender’ is ‘GIVE UP’, ‘SUBMIT’. So to surrender one has to give up all his Ego, Super Ego, Anger, Enmity, Jealous, and to submit all words, deeds at Shri. Mataji’s golden feet. By giving up all the above said things, it will naturally bring Clarity in words, Purity in Thoughts and Actions of the individual. Once the mind is clear, Heart is pure, there starts surrendering. Once surrendered whole heartedly to Shri. Mataji, then what ever happens is as per Shri. Mataji’s divine blessings. Let that may be good or bad to us, Mataji knows what is good and bad for us. Once Surrendered at golden feet of Shri. Mataji all the mental analysis should (will) stop and to accept/face the life as it comes.
To say precisely, all the time to be in a balanced state. Face the Joy and sorrow in the same manner, React less or no reaction at all for other’s action, Develop unbound Love and compassion with each and every one around, treat everyone in the same manner. These all the by-products after whole heartedly surrendering to Shri.Mataji apart from the core product of Spiritual Ascent and having in depth Self Introspection.
The final Stage of ‘Surrendering’ does not happen in a day or month. It involves immense practice and dedication. Moreover it purely depends on the invidiual’s effort and sincerity. There is no metric measurement to find out individual’s surrender process. Also the duration taken for surrendering will for sure vary from person to person. So it is the divine blessings of Shri. Mataji alone will enable a person to attain this stage of surrendering. Of course for this individual’s focused effort and dedication is immensely required.
All the above said views/concepts are purely personal. Please ignore, if any part of the above views gives a deliberate wrong meaning or message.
Jai Shree Mataji.
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