An enlightened personality, I can tell you, is a person who is beyond his mind. And he is in contact completely with this all-pervading power of divine love. As a result everything in that person is guided, helped by that divine love. That power is so great that it looks after you, it organizes everything, it thinks, it understands, it is wisdom of all the things. You become a person who is so collectively conscious.
Today we need people like that. Otherwise you always think about yourself. About others you can only think when you are collectively conscious. But these days there are so many people marketing their spirituality, you see. That’s also there. And just people jump to it, I don’t know why. Why don’t they find out what is the gain, what did you gain out of it? Nobody wants to know.
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Press Conference, London, July 1999
The above golden words of Mother can be understood only if we are in a state of collective conscious and not self centered. Great men do not need words to communicate. Their thoughts are enough. This can be narrated by means of a short story.
Once Swami Vivekananda was travelling by train. His fellow passenger said that those in ochre robes, who never did any work, had no right to eat food and sustain themselves. Why should they eat, when they did nothing productive, but lived off the labour of other people, he asked.
Vivekananda said that the man was not providing him with food, and should not concern himself about what others gave. But the man would not give up criticising Vivekananda. He said that if Vivekananda did not beg, would he get any food? Vivekananda said that he would get food without asking.
At the next station, Vivekananda got off the train, and walked up and down the platform. When the train was about to leave, a man came running, calling out to him. The man had a packet with him, which he gave to Vivekananda. He explained that he had had a dream, in which he had seen Vivekananda, who had asked him for food. He did not know who the person in the dream was. All he knew was that there was someone in the railway station, who was hungry, and that he would have to bring him some food. Thus, Vivekananda was able to communicate merely by thinking. He did not need words to communicate.
Only great men can communicate in this way. But our thoughts can sometimes be discerned even by animals. When we are afraid, a smell emanates from our body, not sensed by human beings, but clearly smelt by animals. They can sense that we are afraid, and that encourages them to attack us. We see paintings of sages, surrounded by wild animals, and wonder how the animals did not harm them. These sages had passed beyond the stage of thoughts of any kind. They had attained the state of nirvana. So, since they did not experience any fear, the animals did not attack them.
But we are victims of our thoughts. Our thoughts wake up even before we do. The moment we awake in the morning, we have different thoughts taking control of our minds. If it is not worry, it is envy. If it is not envy, then it is anger. If it is not anger, it is greed. How can we know peace then?
Shri Mataji's Golden words about Thoughtless Awareness:
Now, to become a Guru, what do we have to do after our realization? Guru word means gravity. Gravity means a person who is grave, who is deep, who is magnetic. Now as you have learnt in Sahaja Yoga that realization takes place in complete effortlessness. So normally a Guru tries to make his disciples effortless, which is called as Prayatna Shaithilya - means "relax your efforts.” Without doing anything you got your Prayatna Shaytilya, otherwise Kundalini would not have risen.
Then the second stage is Vichara Shaithilya - the thoughtless awareness. This also you got it without doing anything. And the third is complete negation of thought - Abhava - and the bliss of peace. So one has to understand that you have to pass them, through three stages. First, when you get your realization all these things come spontaneously, for that moment. When you raise the Kundalini of others, these things happen to them spontaneously. You too have that power now to raise the Kundalini of people and to establish it in them. But we must understand why it has to be done that way, why we have to have Vichara Shaithilya.
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Guru Puja 1984.
To attain thoughtless stage we need to meditate regularly.
How do you attain nirvichar (thoughtlessness) in meditation?
In meditation? There is no vichar (thoughts) during meditation. Why should thoughts come in meditation? You are not to seek anything during meditation. It is only to be felt within. It is you who have to discriminate whether you have realised this or not during meditation. In meditation, first you will come to know your own mistakes, where you were wrong, and where you were right. When you start realising your own mistakes, then you are on the right track. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you see yourself. What is the use of seeing others? The trouble with us is, we always like to see others in the mirror. Then how will you identify your own faults if you start to see others in the mirror?
(H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Shri Krishna Puja 2003, Pratisthan, Pune, India)
To attain this thoughtless stage meditation is the best method. But by mere reading of books will not help us to attain these thoughtless state. We need to meditate regularly to experience this blissful state.