Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Story of Saint Udhanga (Rishi)

This is a story during Mahabharat period. After the war was over and Pandavas emerged victorious, the saint udhanga met Lord Krishna. During that time, big saints and rishis had the authority to question the Lord by virtue of their penance powers.

The saint asked, Krishna why did you took the fight in the first instance, see now beacuse of that so many good people also had to suffer, so many innocent people lost their life and he went on narrating...

Lord Krishna just smiled and asked the Saint, I'm pleased with your question, but I cannot answer you immediately, however in appreciation of your question I wanted to give you a boon. You ask whatever boon you want to said the Lord.

The saint replied, Hey Krishna, I'm a saint, I've no family nor any possession; what material things I can ask you? However, I travel a lot, cover miles together and at times may have to cross the hot and humid conditions of desert. So you please give me a boon that whenever I get thirst, I should get water immediately.

Lord Krishna bestowed him the boon...

After some time, when the saint was crossing through the desert, he felt so thirsty and remembered immediately the boon given by Shri Krishna.

To his surpise a man appears to be like a hunter came in front of him. The looks of the hunter made the saint wonder what a boon Krishna has given him, becasue he was holding all the hunting equipments soaked in blood, the dress he wore was made of animal skin with blood stains and huge pieces of meat was hanging in his shoulders. Yet the hunter asked the saint, do you need something to drink.

Thinking at the external appearance of the person, the saint refused to take anything from him. The saint thought why Shri Krishna is playing with him by assuring something which eventually does not happen. He said, hey krishna did not get anyone else to play your leelas?

Then appeared Shri Krishna in front of him and said, saint, why you did not take the water from the hunter?

Actually he was not a hunter but Lord Indra himself has come to offer you. He was not offering water rather the nectar itself (Amrut). Had you taken that never in your life you will be in want of water. Krishna continued... the moment I gave you the boon, I met Indra and told him to provide you water whenever you feel thirsty.

As you know Lord Indra is incharge of all the other devas and thus the job of Varuna (the rain god) has to be approved by Indra. Instead Indra said, I will give him amrut instead of water. Krishna said it's upto you.

The fate was that the Saint could not recognise the play and he could not drink the nectar.

Realising his mistake and ignorance the saint said, Krishna now I understood where I stand in my ascent.

I'm still at the first step and has a long way to reach the top. Without realizing this, I tried to question you. Please forgive me. He also realized that the question he asked Shri Krishna about the Mahabharath battle was totally out of his ignorance.

Similar to the story, Shri Mataji is ready to give us the nectar by way of spiritual enlightenment but we as normal human beings fail to recognize that and instead all the time we keep fighting with ourselves (SIX ENEMIES WITHIN), the lust, greed, anger etc....

Conquer your emotions and feelings, let's prepare ourselves for the nectar.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


When i wrote about moksha in the previous blog, it prompted me to write about this place.

I have not originated from this place thiruvannamalai, however knew very little about this place, thanks to my friends from this region.

It's is in the southern region of India in state Tamilnadu perhaps 100-160KMS. from chennai.

It is said in the ancient scriptures that
You get moksha when you perform your rites in varanasi(Ganges)
You get moksha when you be in the place kancheepuram(famous for temples, again in Tamilnadu)
But you get moksha, the moment you think about the place Thiruvannamalai.

Lord Shiva is worshipped here in the form of mountain. When you perform a girivalam(come in circle around the mountain footsteps) one could see the mountain in full form and it's a resemblence of Lord Shiva in sayanam pose(sleeping posture).

After reading through various websites and some site photographs, during my regular meditation, the moment I take my attention to this sacred place, mother kundalini shoots up like anything and often felt that I'm connected to some nuclear reactor or what?

Such a force the flow is... It's divine, It's absolute bliss!!!

How it will be if we could stay there?
In the past some of the saints, rishis were longing to visit this place without even seeing it. They just heard about this place.

Some famous saints/rishis who fell in love with this place, or in other words 'love at first sight'
Ramana Maharishi
Yogi Ram surath kumar
Shesadri Swamigal....the list is endless

It is believed that still many more yogies are in deep meditation in remote places on the mountains.

Ramana maharishi was in penance for years together inside the temple. When people found his body, it was covered all over by shrubs, snakes etc. Even animals understand divine....none harmed him.

Will I be ever lucky to be in this place at some stage of my life?

I would like to share a recent incident about this place...

One of my friend whose mother is from this place and he wanted to buy some plot with an idea to settle down.

Being my well wisher he offered me to go for the plot saying we could retire there after completing our duties.

Initially I was tempted, then as an afterthought I di'nt go for that ... the reason

When you become a real yogi you should get rid of your possessions, If I ever be lucky to settle down in Thiruvannamalai then Lord Shiva should bless me to be there without any possessions, then why to buy a plot and again get into the maya of possession?

Except the clothes to protect my modesty, I want to stay in T.Malai like a real yogi.

This is my pure desire MAA.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kundalini and Desires

Jai Shri Mataji,

Kundalini is nothing but desire. Again within desires there are mere desires and there is a pure desire.
How pure desire is differentiated from rest of the desires?
If Kundalini is pure desire why at times even our normal desires are fulfilled?
Why some people inspite of being negative and impure remain in sahaja yoga?
Is there no correction process?
For easy reference, let's take pure desire as first level desire and normal material level desires at second level desire.
These are all some of the questions often I have asked myself. Upon discussion with various sahaja yogies, I submit below the points as an answer to the questions:
As far as kundalini is concerned, the moment she is awakened she starts fulfilling all the desires of a human be it simple desire or pure desire.
Those who seek higher things in life, especially concerned only about spiritual and individual ascent, will raise high and they are able to overcome all the simple desires like money, power, fame, ego, lust, greed, jealous etc.
In this case, all other desires are considered as impure and the desire to raise high in spirituality alone reamins as his sole aim and thus it becomes pure desire.
Like our Mataji, kundalini is so compassionate and fulfills whatever desires that may arise within.
The second level of desires mainly remain centred around nabhi and swadisthana and at times reaches upto agnya.
At the Nabhi & Swadisthana Level: Job, Money, More money, sucked into the ocean of illusion, false prestige, popularity ... the list is endless.
At the agyna level : Fully bloated ego, will not listen to anyone, by this the yogi would have lost all his/her discretionary powers and asserts themselves that they are correct all the time.
When anyone caught up at this vicious circle, they will never try to come above this. It will result in that yogi satisfied with his material level or a very low level of desire fulfilled. We still cannot blame that person, as this what they have desired.
You may very often see such people are actively involved in every sahaj activites, likes to discreetly publicise their name in the slightest possibility, very sly in nature, will do anything to please others in order to get themselves pleased (Their ego and superego). They may take extra efforts to read each and everything about sahaj not for self knowledge but to display their knowledge to others at every given opportunity.
Think about it... you may surely have someone very next you in your own collective. Still we cannot blame them or criticise them as this is want they desired and the mother kundalini granted their wish.
So Kundalini is nothing put a power of desire is 100% true.
But the sad part about the people with second level of desire that they have to again take birth go through the hassles of life and death to ultimately reach the human level, get their kundalini awakened and aim for MOKSHA. Is it not very lengthy process?
Mataji is ready to give moksha in this life itself, why to wait for the next cycle of life? Do we as mortal human beings has the guts to face this cycle of human life again?
My dear brothers and sisters, awake, arise your pure desire...before it is too late.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Surrendering is a process which is ultimately attained only after crossing initial two main Stages such as ‘Belief ‘ & ‘Acceptance’. It is not an easy task to attain the stage of surrendering. Neither Surrendering can be attained or achieved by force or materialistic mechanism of life. It requires an immense practice. The very first Phase/stage of Surrendering is BELIEF. One has to first have a firm belief on particular thing. Since the Core focus of this views are purely related to Spirituality, in particular Sahaj, better to have precise specific definitions to state about Surrendering than with Generic words.

Initial Belief is a very important stage. Of course it is common for any human beings to have so many queries, doubts in mind while starting this first stage of believing. Give enough time for this and to practice sahaj immensely. Coming out of all such doubts at the earliest is the best thing to initiate for a firm BELIEF. This can be achieved by continuous enquiries, clarifications by means of getting depth knowledge. The very best way to obtain a firm BELIEF is to speak more about sahaj topics, gain more knowledge from others who can share more valuable sahaj things, attend workshops/seminars when ever there is a chance, initiate for discussion/forums on sahaj topics, be interactive in collective. It is good to be a listener in collective, but similarly should be active and should participate(Speak) in all the discussions in sahaj. So once the doubts, queries are vanished from the mind, the stage ‘BELIEF’ is ultimately achieved.

The second stage/phase is ‘Acceptance’. Once a firm belief is established it naturally should lead to whole hearted ‘Acceptance’. If viewed in broader sense there is only a thin line of separation between the two words ‘Acceptance’ and ‘Surrendering’. As per my view it is like this, All ‘Surrendering’ must have 100% of ‘Acceptance’, whereas all ‘Acceptances’ need not necessarily have ‘Surrendering’. So it is pretty clear that ‘Acceptance’ is a precedent act well before the final Stage of ‘Surrendering’. Fortunate are the one who gets into sahaj and blessed are the one who Shri. Mataji chooses to be in Sahaj forever. It not only raises the eyebrows but also dilutes the mind to some extent on hearing the statements like ‘ Accept Shri.Mataji as Guru’. It is the other way, it is the Adi Shakti Shri. Mataji who chooses the people to be in Sahaj and to do the sahaj work. So precisely the emphasis should be like this ‘Accept Sahaja Yoga and its values’.

Once a firm belief is obtained in Sahaj it should ultimately lead to acceptance of all sahaj values and protocols. Ultimately if all the sahaj values and protocols are accepted whole heartedly, moreover adhered with sincere and dedicated manner then it is implied that The ‘Acceptance’ of Shri. Mataji as Guru happened. So one has to accept all the protocols and values taught in sahaj by Shri. Mataji and to follow those strictly. In any topic it is the easiest part to Talk or give lectures or explanations for hours, but to practice in daily life is the Himalayan task, which can be obtained by sheer practice. So once this Stage ‘Acceptance’ is crossed then there is no delay or hindrance in the final ultimate stage of ‘Surrendering’.

The direct meaning of the word ‘Surrender’ is ‘GIVE UP’, ‘SUBMIT’. So to surrender one has to give up all his Ego, Super Ego, Anger, Enmity, Jealous, and to submit all words, deeds at Shri. Mataji’s golden feet. By giving up all the above said things, it will naturally bring Clarity in words, Purity in Thoughts and Actions of the individual. Once the mind is clear, Heart is pure, there starts surrendering. Once surrendered whole heartedly to Shri. Mataji, then what ever happens is as per Shri. Mataji’s divine blessings. Let that may be good or bad to us, Mataji knows what is good and bad for us. Once Surrendered at golden feet of Shri. Mataji all the mental analysis should (will) stop and to accept/face the life as it comes.

To say precisely, all the time to be in a balanced state. Face the Joy and sorrow in the same manner, React less or no reaction at all for other’s action, Develop unbound Love and compassion with each and every one around, treat everyone in the same manner. These all the by-products after whole heartedly surrendering to Shri.Mataji apart from the core product of Spiritual Ascent and having in depth Self Introspection.

The final Stage of ‘Surrendering’ does not happen in a day or month. It involves immense practice and dedication. Moreover it purely depends on the invidiual’s effort and sincerity. There is no metric measurement to find out individual’s surrender process. Also the duration taken for surrendering will for sure vary from person to person. So it is the divine blessings of Shri. Mataji alone will enable a person to attain this stage of surrendering. Of course for this individual’s focused effort and dedication is immensely required.

All the above said views/concepts are purely personal. Please ignore, if any part of the above views gives a deliberate wrong meaning or message.

Jai Shree Mataji.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why Shri Mataji Respected Gandhiji a Lot

Albert Einstein About Gandhiji
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth"...

Gandhiji is not a normal human being. He has come with a purpose, mission accomplished and left this earth..

A Man of extreme courage, determination, self respect, stand up for the truth at all times, love for his country, non-violence... the list is endless.

We cannot describe Gandhiji in few sentence, superlatives...

Our Beloved Mother Shri Mataji has grown up in his Ashram..

I request all the yogies to watch the movie Gandhi by Richard Attenborough to know why Shri Mataji respected gandhiji...

Also listen to her audio cd The Slavery of Selfishness to know more about gandhiji, his principles and the freedom struggle in her own words.

Happy viewing, listening.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The first Post

Hi everybody...Its nice to have a blog for Sahaj Bahrain... This wud be one of the best ways to share our experiences.. to begin with let me post some 'frequently asked Questions'' which could be answered precisely. This wud be very useful to the beginners..and me tooo...
Frequently asked questions

1. Is Sahaj yoga a breathing technique or exercise?
2. What is meditation and why we need to meditate?
3. Does Sahaj yoga promote any particular religion?
4. What is realization? Why we need it?
5. How sahaj is different from other meditations?
6. Why is it free?
7. Is there any specific timing for this meditation?
8. Why should you attend collective and what is the purpose?
9. As a beginner how should I do meditation …what are the procedures?
10. What is vibration and how does it come. How does it become cool? Is it a trick? What’s the use of the vibration?
11. What is bandhan? Why should one do the bandhan?

Many of you must have handled newcomers and they must have asked u many doubts.. please post them also
